Real quick: `⌘+SHIFT+S`
That key combo (Command Key + SHIFT + S) will open Snip & Sketch, which is the replacement for the classic Snipping Tool and includes the keyboard shortcut above to make it easy to access. Once you press the key combo, the app opens with a selector dialog to let you outline the portion of the screen you want to copy to the clipboard. You can select the entire screen if you need that. And once done, you can press CTRL-V to paste the copied image wherever you need it (Paint, Gimp, etc).
Lots of disparate advice exists on Q&A and other forums with solutions that vary heavily. But Snip & Sketch will work with any Windows 10 installation and the shortcut key makes it the optimal solution.
Animating color hues based on an audio spectrum isn't an easy task for most video editing software. It's dead simple with ZGameEditor in FLStudio, once you understand how a few of its modules work. It's even easier with a template, and ZGameEditor makes templating super easy. This quick guide walks through the process and provides a simple template below. What you'll need: - FLStudio (ZGameEditor is bundled with it) The ZGameEditor modules we'll use: - Image - Color Correction - Automator Let's get started. ## Instructions ⮞ Open FLStudio and open the Mixer (Press F9 ). ⮞ In the **Master** channel, in the very last slot (slot 10), click to open the plugin drop-down and select Visual > **ZGameEditor Visualizer**. You can then close the Mixer. ⮞ Add a music file by dropping it onto the FLStudio sequencer. ⮞ Go to the **Add Content** tab and click **Add Pictures** or **Find online media**, then select an image or video to add. ⮞ Go back to the **Main** tab....
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